Our all new "Convoluted Buffing Pad, Flat Back" is especially designed to keep pad life up and heat friction down. Developed and designed by top Professional this Convoluted pad made for less grip and keeping paint cooler for a superior result. This pad is 1" thick and 8" wide for superior coverage. The convoluted pad was designed to work easier around edges and rounded corners on the car. Made with a unique Reticulated Polyester Foam which uses a open cell design technology to enables glazes, waxes, polishes and compounds to flow through the pad giving the best coverage and stopping that dry-rub and minimizing the chance of burning the paint. The waffle design is to assure properly even product usage on your surfaces. The Waffle design on these convoluted pads help air to flow threw the pad reducing heat friction on the paints clearcoat. The Unique egg shell face allows air to flow in and out of the pad for a smoother, cooler buffing experience. The White Convoluted Waffle Foam Pad is designed for compounding, cutting, or cleaning surfaces. Great for heavy to moderate scratches and imperfections delivering a swirl-free, haze-free finish to all painted surfaces.