Interior Shampoo is the ultimate interior cleaner. Not just made to clean one part of the interior, but Interior Shampoo cleans the entire interior of the car. It’s great for cleaning carpets, seats, door panels, dashboards, headliners, door jams, leather, vinyl, and so much more. Interior shampoo is formulated with special surfactants and soft cleaning agents instead of harsh detergent which will allow for soft smooth cleaning and safe cleaning. Interior Shampoo has a wonderful lemon scent to it.
To properly clean the interior of your vehicle take Interior Shampoo and make mix it in a bucket of water 1oz to 1 gallon of water. Make sure you completely vacuum any and everything in the car’s interior first. Use a wash towel or a medium to soft haired brush depending on what you’re cleaning. Lightly dip your brush in the bucket and begin to lightly agitate the areas you with you clean. If your cleaning your carpet you are going to need a vacuum on hand. When cleaning the dash and seats and other non-cloth surfaces use a extra dry towel to come behind and wipe up.